Monday, December 1, 2008


Click the image for more inspirational quotes/images in the 2009 Calendar: Colors Of Hope

Whats new at MCLG?

  • December's website update: 5 new member written articles and one MP3

  • Assorted Greeting Cards for bereaved parent

  • Colors Of Hope 2009 Calendar

  • *COMING SOON* No Words - A Grieving Mother's Poetic Journey of Loss
    Poetry by ~Carol Thompson
    Illustration by ~Cherri Miele

  • Congratulations Cheryl on your 501(c)3 status for Angel of Hope Children's Memorial Garden

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Sharing how my grief feels is often too difficult and painful for mere words, so I illustrate them in the form of art... my healthy escape.

Sometimes words come with the image, perhaps creating it helps purge them from my heart.


The Bending Tree

the bending tree
reaches out to me
broken branches
and withering leaves
windblown by the storm

helping hands
there to hold
broken hearts
reaching out
sorrow unfolds

bonded by tears
shattered dreams
in this worlds wrath
our journey's path

~Cherri Miele

Expressing my grief through art: FEAR


Lines on my grieving face

Tear pools fill my eyes with disbelief

Crazy hair symbolizes my thoughts

It should be me and not you!

~Cherri Miele

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Messages From Beyond

Messages From Beyond

Many parents report receiving signs or messages from their children who have passed on, leaving them with a newly found faith of reuniting with their child when it’s their turn to leave this realm called earth.

Some parents are careful about who they share these encounters with, because unless you are accustomed to such a thing, it’s near impossible to grasp understanding and believe that it was not just a figment of their imagination. They also fear being called crazy, even though they may initially feel that way at times and question their own sanity after such a devastating loss.

Such an experience is called, After Death Experience (ADC) they come in many forms; dreams, sounds, smells, and found objects. The timing and details of these types of messages provides evidence that makes them believable to the witness. Feeling a deep connection to their child, hearing their voice, or seeing their child in a vivid dream leaves the person feeling there is still a connection between them, even after their earthly death, which brings immense comfort to the heavily grieving heart. Read More...